Wednesday, February 9, 2011

500 Days of Winter

Well I just watched 500 Days of Summer. It's one of my favourite movies ever :) and also reminds me of someone a lot :) well mostly the soundtrack really, which is adorable and I also love... a lot! However the moive is kind of a heartbreak movie, kind of like the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-ish I'd say. Anyway, the movie has been on my mind a lot lately and I left it was necessary to post the best part of the movie haha so here it is...

you have to watch it on youtube because embedding was disabled :(

but it is worth it :D
I wish it was summer now. Guhhh feels like 500 days of winter. Boooo.

Anyway I shall post another picture...

This was a silk screen painting I did last year, was the first thing I sold! It was actually pretty big, I think 2m wide and 1m high, made 110$ off it though! woohoo!


  1. So, I'm not sure what I want more right now.

    To watch 'summmer'...

    To have a drink...

    Or to commission some work from you. You do some damn good stuff!

  2. I hear ya on the winter comment. I'm ready for summer like you wouldn't believe. Yay for upper michigan, land of snow and trees.

  3. Lost.In.Hdaho, well you can do all three.. AT THE SAME TIME. ahha
    or just the last suggestion if you want haha :D

    and hells yea I'm ready for summer. At least just some warm sunshine and some sweater weather I'll settle for.

  4. I'm all done hibernating already! wheres the sun, also, cool screen prints!

  5. you make my dreaaams come trueee hahaha :)

  6. Nice artwork. I definately would have summat like that hnaging up in the hall or living room.

  7. you did that much from that painting??? fuuuuuuuuuu I want to meet some of your costumers e___e!!
